My mom's friend gave me a brand-spankin-new tripod for my camera.
Do you know what this means???
...Other than Bekah having a "mic-stand" for her microphone when she goes into Taylor Swift mode.....
I can be in my own pictures !!!!!
Um ...excited?
And it sorta makes me look really awesome in public. Ok, not really but whatever.
Chaston had his last "regular season" flag football game this morning, so we headed there.
After that, we went and signed Bekah up for Basketball. Whoo hoo! She is so excited to play. I'll be anxious to see how she does. She gets to be on her friend/cousin's team (and her daddy is coaching) so she is super-duper excited.
(..i kinda am too!)
After that, we all headed to the Farm to take some fun pictures and use my tripod. Chaston is rarely agreeable to pictures, so I don't push it. But here lately, he's been an angel about it and I couldn't be more thrilled.
So I set up the tripod and go for it!
...set it on timer and jumped in ...
We went across the street into the field to play with the camera and tripod from across the road. It wasn't until I got the picture cropped that I realized when I zoomed in on Chaston's face ... he was sticking out his tongue!! ..and Bekah was pouting.
Oh wellll .. these are my children afterall!
We attempted to do a pyramid. But Bekah wasn't so much cooperating.
Whatever, Chaston and I were having a blast
Then as we were driving to the actual Pumpkin Patch, I noticed the huge grain bins.
and had to stop.
I love spending days like this with my kids. Out having fun together... smiling, laughing (threatening to beat their booties a few times...) but nonetheless a great time. We spent some time at the pumpkin patch this afternoon, saw a friend from high school that i haven't seen in about 5 years and his family. That was so nice! We enjoyed the hay ride and beautiful blue skies.
Here are a few candid pics from our day. that define "us".
another "family picture" that i jumped into with the timer set on the camera.
Bekah is one silly girl. She's always making some crazy face in the picture.
Wonder where she gets that from ?!?!
This is her "feel-sorry-for-me, but-i'm-not-really-sure-why" face
Followed by her "i-will-make-whatever-face-you-don't-want-me-to-until-you-take-the-picture" face
And after giving in to all of her random "faces" ... she finally cooperates.
Since i had my camera set on a tripod .. she wanted to get behind the lens. So, I let her.
First, Chaston and I had to pose.
Here's her set up. (chins on our fist and all!)
(do i see a photography assistant in my future?!)
Then she wanted Chaston and I to look mean.
So we grabbed a couple of sticks and began lookin Big-Time-Tuff.
You wanna piece of us?!
These children .... are the reason I am where I am today.
There is nothing better.
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