Lindsey and I met in 3rd Year French in High School. We continued through 4th Year French and eventually went on to college to pretend like we knew Fluent French.
We have a pact. Since we were both rather young when we had our kiddos, once they are graduated and in college (or working, or whatever life brings them...) we are going to travel to France together. We want to sit at the cafe's ... sip on a latte'.... speak as much french as we can remember. Ok, fine - the reality is...
we'll be 40 year old women, walking around France (or if we're still poor, we'll be walking around the French Quarter in New Orleans ...) sipping on a latte just to look cool (because i dont' even like latte's, saying Bonjour and Salut to people and muttering Merci Beaucoup when we're shopping, because that's truly all the dignified French we will be able to remember by this time.
Lindsey has referred some amazing people to me for photography. And I am so thankful for that. So we got together this afternoon and I took pictures of her and the kiddos.
Ethan is a boy.
and he's 8.
So coaxing him into the pictures takes some effort.
Nonetheless. .. we WORKED IT OUT.
Meet my friend Lindsey.. and her beautiful children Emma and Ethan.
We started out at Falls Park in Pendleton and took several pics there. We ended up at the "North 40" of Falls Park, where we proceeded to be nearly eaten alive by Mosquitos.
I was so angry!! I was itching, Emma was itching .. it was a mess.
But that's ok - we got out of the woods quickly and headed for one of my favorite barns.
These kids were some of THE BEST JUMPERS ever!!
Before we headed out to the Farm, we had to grab a rather creative one. Special thanks to Miss Emma, who coordinated the "poses" to depict a familiar old saying ...
So we headed out to the farm to get just a few more pictures before sunset.
Ever since last week when i discovered the Grain bins ... I can't stay away from them!!
Emma is such a good girl.
- and rightfully so.
She's being raised by a father that loves her very much and a mother that provides her with a stellar example of a Woman; beautiful, confident, successful, spiritual and full of happiness and laughter.
It's no wonder Emma thinks her momma is pretty special.
Just before we left, Ethan was losing interest pretty fast. While he entertained himself in the car, me and Lindsey and Emma had some fun with the sunset.
While there are several great pictures from that little sunset session ..
I did get one absolutely amazing shot that I'm pretty sure someday (when I have a lavish studio of my own
Lindsey - THANK YOU so much for all of the referrals you've sent my way! Not just the referrals, but the relationships that I've built with the people that you've sent my way. It's so easy to capture wonderful photos with you and your kids because the love that you all share for eachother is so real and genuine. You can't pose true love. Love that only a mother knows how to give her children. And not just any mother ... a mother that has risked everything, sacrificed her life and shaped her future around the two children beside her. These pictures capture two beautiful children, who live happy lives because of a woman they call mommy. Saying that you're amazing ... doesn't even come close.
Emma and Ethan ... love your mother. Forever. ...and unconditionally. She's dedicated her life to you.
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