Monday, February 16, 2009


I wanted to let you in on a few updates regarding my photography services for 2009.

I am considering a new company to help me market, print and offer more services (..and discounts!) to my customers. I’m giving them a spin now to see what I think.

So here’s the deal.

If I’ve photographed you and your family before, you can be grandfathered in to the old way of doing business if you’d like. (or you may prefer the new way of business) either way – we will talk about it when you schedule an appt.

If I have not photographed you or someone you know…


I would like to start the new season by offering a FREE FAMILY SESSION ($150 value).

You may nominate either yourself or someone you know for a free photography session with me. As many of you know, sessions are typically outdoors at or around sunset and I spend normally about an hour and a half to two hours with the family. The winner will receive a free photobook and may order additional prints if they would like.

Here are the rules:

1.) You cannot be related in any way to me.

2.) You are not eligible if I’ve photographed you and your family prior. (I want to show no favoritism for the first FREE SESSION).

3.) Your nominations must include WHY this family/your family should receive a free photo session.

4.) The family you nominate must be willing and open to having fun during the session. No dragging along spouses! I want to have a good time and get some great photos that you will
show your grandchildren someday.

5.) Depending on the number of entries, I may allow blog readers to vote for the winner. I may draw out of a hat.

6.) Photo session will take place in April/May 2009.

7.) Email me at with nominations.

So… come on guys! Get some nominations in!!

PS - If you nominate the winner.. you may receive a perk as well ;)

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