Anyway - I organize my photos by month, so it was relatively easy to go back through all of the folders and grab my favorite photos from each month. I love looking back at how big she's gotten this past year. I assume I'll put one together for Chaston as well.
Since the end of this year is Christmas, I needed some Christmasy photos to put at the end of the book so it can be completed.
This evening was FREEEEZING cold .. but we were able to get some quick photos of my little Snow Princess. She was so good! I told her it would be cold, but we WORKED IT OUT!
Here are a few of my faves:
Mailing a letter to Santa!
Since we're on the subject of Christmas....
This weekend, I did a little more of my Christmas shopping for the kids. I am pretty much done with everyone else, except my kids. I typically wait to shop for them as you never know what is going to be popular by the time Christmas comes around.
After making the decision to get Bekah this really adorable little baby alive type doll - she has informed me that she doesn't want any babies for Christmas. CRAP CRAP CRAP... she must be adopted! Instead, she wants a little brown dog that does tricks and rolls over. I'm pretty sure I know what she's talking about, however this weekend I'm taking the baby back and getting the dog! Geeeez!
Chaston's list keeps getting longer and longer. And WAY more expensive. He wants some $100 Lego Star Wars Droid set. Hmmm... I think Santa must've hit the lottery!?!
I have a strip of "jingle bells" hanging on my front door handle and Chaston is absolutely convinced that he will be able to hear Santa coming in! I'm really afraid this may be the last year that he innocently believes in Santa, so I'm really trying to make sure this Christmas is a fun one!
Also, he's decided to get a gift for one of his less-fortunate friends this year in honor of Jesus's birthday. I told him he is not allowed to tell the little boy that he bought the gift. He says he wants to get him a lego set because his little sister always tears his stuff up and his mom doesn't have a lot of money to buy him toys. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to go about this "act of kindness". His other idea is to take some football cards down to Riley Hospital to the "sick kids" and give them some football cards. I'm trying not to dictate what he does for the "birthday gift". I want to allow him the freedom to make his decision and carry it out. He still has a couple of weeks to decide on what he wants to give for the holidays.
Bekah on the other hand, isn't quite there yet on understanding the whole goal, and I don't really expect her to be. I'l probably have to guide her a little more, however I'm still really looking forward to the opportunity to serve others.
..and since one of my other friends posted pictures of her Christmas Tree, I don't feel as rediculous posting mine.
Here's to starting the season out WAY early in my house!
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