A few weeks ago, Electra contacted me about taking 4 year old pictures of her little boy Xavier. I was so excited! Xavier has always been such a little cutie-pants, so when I found out I'd be able to hang out with him for a little while ... I couldn't wait!!
Meet Xavier...
soon to be 4 - year old with the absolute cutest smile.
loves Thomas the Train
watching movies
and his mommy.
We started out at the park. Knowing that Xavier was a normal 4 year old BOY ... i brought some treats for his good behavior. Which included fruit snacks, mini-pringles, cookies, etc Absolutely anything to entice him into being a good boy.
Things started off a little rocky...
...but soon enough got under control and that boy was rockin' and rollin!!
G.Q. Magazine... here comes Xavier!
How handsome is he!?!?
I love it! (...and i'm not mad at you, X-man ... for bein' so darn cute!!)
There was one little rule when I set up Xavier's appointment.
Mommy HAS TO be in at least a few of the pictures.
So many times when you have a single mother (...or single father for that matter) getting pictures taken of their little ones, they never think of themselves and the fact that they have few pictures of them with their kiddo.
Electra is such a good mommy, always putting Xavier first so I wanted to make sure she had some pictures of the two of them.
...and I was so excited when Electra pulled up with the cutest turqoise shirt on ... lookin' SO CUTE for their pictures.
(Thanks Electra!! You made my day!)
He is her world...
After we finished in the park, we headed to the train track to get some pictures there... since this little man LOVES him some trains!
Remember that "bag of goodies" that I brought to try to aide in making Xavier have some fun?
Well ... I knew that he liked Thomas the Train, so I brought him a little Thomas.
...and he insisted on a personal photo of Thomas while we were at the tracks.
So here ya go Xavier.... This one's for you!
I had such a fun afternoon hanging out with these two people!! I was so worried with the weather from Hurricane Ike heading towards Indiana, that our weekend was going to be a lost cause ... but it most certainly was not.
(big thanks to God for answering that prayer)
What's a blog without a silhouette picture?
Love you both!!!